Our equity trading desk comprises of one of the most qualified and experienced traders dealers team in Pakistan. Our sales team is committed to providing timely insight to our clients, enabling them to make informed investment decisions. We aim at developing strong relationship with our clients emphasizing on delivering valuable investment ideas along with efficient and timely trade executions.
To build sustainable relationships, our goal is to always remain fully aligned with the interest of our clients. Our equity trading desk works closely with our research team with the objective to deliver the best possible value through providing timely updates on various sectors and companies listed on PSX as well as follow the economic trends. Our investment advice is tailored on the basis of client needs assessment.

Fortune Connect is one of the largest online brokerage platform in Pakistan that caters to the diverse needs of equity investors around the globe. Fortune Connect was launched in 2010 and has grown robustly to its current position as the market leader in Pakistan’s equity business.